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Walking group Eindhoven

Going for a walk, short or long, fast or slow. It is always nice. And doing it together is fun and it motivates to keep going. There are so many beautiful walks in and around Eindhoven. Explore them together. Create a call below this group to plan a walk and ask others.
Groep titel: Walking group Eindhoven
Groep omschrijving: Going for a walk, short or long, fast or slow. It is always nice. And doing it together is fun and it motivates to keep going. There are so many beautiful walks in and around Eindhoven. Explore them together.
Create a call below this group to plan a walk and ask others.
Trefwoorden waarop groep gevonden kan worden:
  • walking, hike, walk, step, exercise, healthy
Toon in andere Portals: Ja
Contactpersoon: To be advised