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Playing football

Yes we can still kick a ball outside. Is there a field close to where you live? Do you have a football? Then join this group and place a call below this group to ask others to join you at a certain field at a certain time. (And.... when it is possible again, we can watch a match... together!) Meer
Groep titel: Playing football
Groep omschrijving: Yes we can still kick a ball outside. Is there a field close to where you live? Do you have a football? Then join this group and place a call below this group to ask others to join you at a certain field at a certain time.
(And.... when it is possible again, we can watch a match together!)
Trefwoorden waarop groep gevonden kan worden:
  • football, kick a ball, outside, exercise, sport
Toon in andere Portals: Ja
Contactpersoon: To be advised